Freedom Friday

My surgery to remove my gallbladder has officially been scheduled. I will report to the hospital on July 29th and should be able to come home the same day. That last part makes me really happy! My amazing hubby will be able to take off work to help me out and take care of our daughter. If all goes according to plan, I will be back to normal in a week.
As far as surgeries go this one is very common and easy. I will only have four small holes that will be closed with one or two stitches. And any pain involved is fine by me since it means I won't have anymore gallbladder attacks. If you have never had one they can be horrible! My mom thought she was having a heart attack when she had one. She went to the emergency room and had it taken out that night. She was home at lunchtime the next day.
I have already warned my husband that he will be making cupcakes (under my supervision) while I am recovering. He isn't happy about it but he said he would do it. Let me tell you this - if he can make cupcakes, anyone can! He is the first to admit this too! I am supposed to prepare everyone and let you know you may see some "ugly" cupcakes. I think he is going to do a great job. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Please make sure you check back in on Monday. I will be hosting another awesome giveaway! You won't want to miss out and you will only have a week to enter.
You may also begin to notice some small changes to A Cuppy Cake Life next week. I will be adding a Recipes page as well as a Calendar and a page for March of Dimes. You will be able to see a list of all of my recipes in one spot and click on any that you would like to see in detail. You will also know in advance what recipes to expect in the upcoming months thanks to the Calendar page. Just so you know - I have all my recipes planned through the end of the year!
I am always looking for more March of Dimes stories to feature. If you (or someone you know) would like to share your experience I would be honored to post it. Please email me if you are interested or would like more information.
Today I am participating in the following blog hops. Please take time to check some of them out. I hope all of you have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday for the giveaway!

Smart and Trendy Moms
New Friend Fridays


  1. Just saying "Hello" from NFF and I just became your newest follower. Your blog is beautiful and I can't wait to get to know you better...have a great weekend!

  2. I live in Virginia Beach during middle school. My dad was stationed in Norfolk. I loved it there! Small world. :)

  3. I'm just stopping by from NFF, and I wanted to let you know not to stress about your gall bladder. I had mine out three years ago on a Friday and was back teaching on Monday. It's a super- easy surgery--- but feel free to use it as an excuse to eat all the ice cream you can handle. :) Happy Friday! -McCall

  4. Hi there, I am your newest follower from Friday's Social Parade! Would love to have you stop by my blog as well!

  5. The gall bladder surgery won't be too bad. I had mine out a few years ago and the recovery was fairly easy, and I had 4 kiddos running around. Milk any time you can though! Thanks for following...following you back.

  6. Hi, Just stopping by from the Tea Party. Love the look of those zucchini cupcakes....I might just have to try those. Good luck with that surgery.

  7. Stoping by from Lady Bloggers Tea party - and I'm so sorry you have to undergo gallbladder surgery - I'm sending you "get well wishes" for a speedy recovery! I'm off now to check out the rest of your blog! It's really quite adorable!

  8. Good luck with your surgery! I hope everything goes smoothly.

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest and thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  9. I featured you over at my blog Sassy Sites! I love your blog! Come by and check our blog out... and become a follower! ;)

  10. Woah! You have your recipes planned out for the rest of the year?? I'm seriously impressed! Stopping by from the LBS tea party. I hope you have a quick recovery!

  11. I just stopped my to also let you know I gave to a Blog Award!! To get it go here:

    HAppy Sunday!

  12. Love your blog, it's so fun! And isn't it great that you can have a surgery and be home the same day? Technology and medicine has come a long way!
    Thanks for visiting my blog,and commenting too. ;)
