Freedom Friday

I have been exhausted this week and I don't know why. I am hoping to be able to rest up a little bit this weekend although we have some fun things planned! Today I am going to a play date at the mall with some local mommies. Tomorrow should be a lot of fun as well. The library is having a carnival to kick off the Summer Reading Program. And on Sunday we are going out to my father-in-law's (FIL) house to celebrate Father's Day.

Now I have to admit, I won the lottery when it comes to in-laws. We usually get to my FIL's house every Sunday and he always has a huge home-cooked meal for us. We get to visit with him in the "country" and just relax and enjoy nature. He is a very kind and generous man and we are blessed to have him in our lives. He is a great father and grandpa and I hope that he has a great, laid-back Father's Day!

What are your plans for this weekend and Father's Day? Do you have any traditions? My hubby insisted that he get a tie, even though he hardly ever wears them. According to him they are the "official" Father's Day gift. I hope he likes the one I picked out! It's a lot more on the fun side instead of professional.

To all the dads out there - have a WONDERFUL Father's Day! Take time to enjoy your family and be blessed! I hope everyone has a great weekend and be sure to make all the dads in your life feel special!



  1. Your newest follower here! Your blog is making me hungry! This year we'll be spending Father's Day by the pool! My FIL has a pool and decided to invite us over for a little party! YAY!

  2. Here from FF & I totally agree with MSLibLady, I all the sudden really want some chocolate..

    We are also going to the in-laws' house for Father's Day, though in my case, its the ex-in-laws, ditched the jerk, but kept his parents because they are awesome.

  3. New follower here! I could be in some serious trouble with this blog! I love love love cupcakes!!:)

  4. OMG, all the cupcakes I'm not going to be able to handle it! New Follower here from Friday-Follow!

  5. A whole site dedicated to cupckaes? Have I died and gone to sugar coma heaven? What a wonderful idea. I am here as part of follow Friday. Hope you can come by and visit my blog if yo get the chance. Warning, it is not as yummy as yours. :)


  6. This site will be dangerous! I LOVE cupcakes. I am following from Friday FOllow!

  7. Happy Friday coming over from Friday follow! Can't believe your hubby insisted on a tie! That is great!

  8. Cute blog! I'm a new follower through Friday Follow Me. Hope to see you around my blog sometime!

  9. Loving your blog. Here from FF. Love cupcakes! My dad moved to Florida so I never celebrate it anymore (we don't have kids). Have a wonderful Father's Day :) Funny about the tie!

  10. Love your blog can't wait to read more. i'm your newest follower from Friday follow. Please return the love if you have the chance

  11. LOVE!!! your blog and I'm follow you via Friday Follow Me. Come by and visit anytime.

  12. I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow! :)

  13. had to comment about the tie! too funny! here's a great idea: make him wear the tie and turn it into a photo shoot with him and the kids. If you do this every year you can have a father's day tie scrapbook lol. We do something similar to this but it's on the kids son gets his photo taken wearing his dad's shirt and my daughter has a teddy bear she holds. When you take a photo at the same time each year it's so neat to see how they have changed!
