Freedom Friday

Starting this week Fridays are my free days. I am free to write about anything I want, whether or not it relates to cupcakes. Who knows what topics you may see here!

This week I wanted to tell you a little bit more about myself. I have a short blurb in the "About Me" section but I wanted you to be able to know me better.

I am a 28-year-old wife and mother living in Norfolk, VA. My husband Frank and I have been married since February 2008. We met at church when we were 14. Although we were good friends we fought like crazy! We never even considered each other in a romantic light. I dated his best friend and he had a crush on mine. We lost contact for a few years but started talking again online in 2006. The rest is history!

Our daughter Ella just celebrated her first birthday. She brings us such joy and laughter every day it's unbelievable! She is stubborn and funny and absolutely adorable. We want to add several more children to our family. Hopefully sooner than later!

I am currently a stay-at-home-mom although I have worked in all sorts of places. I have been a party host at a children's play place, the "housekeeper" for a welding shop, a youth and children's minister at a church in Chicago, an ear piercing professional, and management at a retail clothing store. I hope I never have to return to work. I wouldn't mind working from home but I always want to be available to my children. If the time came, I would love to go to school to become a pastry chef. I would open my own bakery and of course there would be cupcakes.

I have never had any formal training or classes for baking (unless you count Home Ec in junior high). My experience is from baking with my Nana for many years and pure old trial and error. I love to bake everything - cakes, bread, pies, cookies, etc. If it can be put in the oven I am all for it - even more if it is sweet! I am not quite sure where my love of cupcakes came from. I am pretty sure I began making them out of necessity. There is no way my hubby and I could eat an entire 9-inch round cake. I wanted to bake and experiment and the cupcake was the perfect outlet. They are much prettier to share with family and friends than a large slab of part of a cake!

Here are some random facts about me:
*I love Broadway theatre.
*I am somewhat obsessed with all things Snoopy.
*I have bipolar disorder.
*I have been to Romania, Moldova, Singapore, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, and Ecuador - all with various church groups.
*I want to have a big family - at least 4 kids.
*I hate doing dishes.
*I am terrified of needles and singing in front of people.
*I am the clumsiest person you will ever meet.
*Don't go to a craft store with me. I can browse the aisles for hours.
*I would kill for some hibachi steak, veggies, fried rice, and shrimp sauce right now. Who am I kidding? I could eat that for every meal!
*I am allergic to cream cheese and down feathers.
*I love collecting old hardcover books.

Well I hope you can get a better picture of who I am. Tune in again next week to see what random topic will pop up!

Don't forget that the giveaway ends at 11:59 pm tonight! The winner will be announced early next week. Have a great weekend!

The Girl Creative

Smart and Trendy Moms


  1. Needles are no fun for me either. I absolutely hated all the needles that go along with being pregnant.

    I love your Freedom Friday post. I'm looking forward to what you share next week. You should definitely link this (or add it outright) on your about page. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Happy Friday Follow!
    I come from a big family (5 kids) and I also hate doing dishes! ;)
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  3. Hi from New Friend Friday! How perfect that i came across you because I have really been itching to make some cupcakes but to be perfectly honest- I can't remember the last time I made cupcakes! I am looking forward to trying a recipe out tomorrow and I hope you can mozy on over to me at

  4. I'm your newest follower from Trendy Treehouse/NFF! Hope you'll return the follow :)

  5. I enjoyed learning about you :)
    Cute family :)
    Happy Blog hop!
    Following your blog, come follow mine!
    Gros bisous

  6. New follower - love your blog.

  7. Hi. Just stopping in from Friday Follow Me. Love your blog and am your newest follower. Follow me too?

  8. I am following you from Social Parade! I think I have landed in cupcake blog heaven. :)

  9. Hi there! Stopping by from Social Parade - I hate doing the dishes also (even more so than cleaning the bathroom!), can get lost in the craft store and have a 14 month old son. =) Cute blog - following you!

  10. Love your blog! Following you from Friend Friday. Feel free to follow me!

  11. I just found your site on follow me Friday! Love the following! Have a great weekend!

  12. Hello! I am a new follower from Friday Follow. I look forward to reading more of your blog and checking out all of your cupcake recipes. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  13. I'm bummed I missed the giveaway! Found you through the LBC tea Party - I'm your newest follower!


  14. Stopping by from SITS - what a yummy blog! =]

    Happy 1st birthday to your daughter, our son turned 3 today!

    Hope you get a chance to stop by my blog!

  15. Hi there! I'm visiting from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party. What a nice post, I'm glad to "know" you!

  16. Just found your blog from Lady Bloggers Society tea party - about to become one of your newest followers! Looking forward to checking out more cupcakes...I'm currently "dieting", but still love to torture myself by looking at yummy things! LOL
    I hate dishes and needles too, and I'm right there with you in the craft aisles - my hubby dreads me asking him to go along, but sometimes it's the only way I get out of there quickly! :)

  17. Hibachi steak and fried rice are at the top of my list of favorites! We have a Benihanna near us and if we could afford it I would eat there at least once a week!

  18. I just found you via Lady Bloggers and I love your blog! So cool that on my first visit I got to learn so much about you!

    I knew I was going to love your blog based on the name alone. :)

    Also a new follower because you did Friday Follow yesterday! Love it!

  19. Such a sweet story of how you ended up marrying your hubby.

    And I love cupcakes too - you're blog is great!

  20. Hi, I'm visiting from Lady Blogger Tea party. I also hate needles and spend about an hour walking down the rows at Michael's anytime I go for crafts. I love cupcakes and have just gotten in to making them a lot.
