New Look and Upcoming Features

Have you noticed the new look at A Cuppy Cake Life? I am in love with it and it is all thanks to the amazing Kendra at Key Lime Blog Design! Check out her blog at! She has free backgrounds, headers and tutorials as well as items you can purchase and custom designs. Please give her a visit and let her know what an awesome job she has done! Become one of her followers and you can get email updates on all sorts of fun things. She has been a complete lifesaver as I am totally technology-challenged!

As some of you may know I am a huge supporter of the March of Dimes. My family and I are walking this Sunday in the annual March for Babies. We are also walking again in November for prematurity awareness. You will soon see a widget at A Cuppy Cake Life where you can donate to the March of Dimes and help every baby have a healthy start at life. I will also be featuring stories from families who have been affected by prematurity. Please stay tuned for these updates and I hope you will join me in supporting this worthy cause!


  1. I love your new header and your blog, very cute!


  2. Love your new look, and I love Key Lime Blog Designs! ;)

  3. i just love a good cupcake and it looks like you have TONS i want to try out!!!

  4. Your blog is adorable! I'm going to be stalking your cupcakes now. :)

    Happy SITs Saturday Sharefest!


    I'm now a follower!

  5. I found Key Lime during the UBP! I love the designs! I love your new look! Awesome!

  6. Visiting from Lady Bloggers Society. In a word Yum! So many great ideas.

  7. Thanks for the twitter about Key Lime. She is reasonable! Now to save up!

    Those cupcakes bellow. OH MY GOODNESS. Heavenly.
